tiffiny marie costello

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Creating Space.

The last couple of weeks, I have been on my own a lot. My boyfriend is on tour with his band, War Party, so I do not have him to hang out with, all the time, like I normally do when he is around. I've outgrown some habits, which means I've outgrown some friends. I guess you could say I'm somewhat in-between places right now, socially. I'm pretty good at being alone, considering I used to be a professional hermit (haha). 

I've been thinking a lot about creating space for myself. What I mean is, identify what is weighing me down or what might be having a negative or neutral influence on me and what I want to accomplish, and step away from it - for good or for a little while. This can be anything; friends, food, activities, etc. I have a friend who has been going through a breakup, and I'm encouraging her to create space for herself, which also encourages me to practice what I'm preaching. 

Not drinking for the last 3 months has been such a HUGE change for me and it's such a good one. It has created so much space in my life and in my bank account!  

Yoga has been an incredible life-changer for me. It has helped me de-stress my life and consider the little things as much as the big things.  

Doing things for the sake of doing them, and no other reason, has proved to be an elevating experience. So many people have to let the world know that they're amazing - people who have to prove that they're experienced are probably missing the point entirely. Humble yourself and just enjoy a nice day and the people with you. You know your intentions if you are honest with yourself. Remember to experience life for life, not for a neat Facebook post. I'm preaching to myself too - I am getting better at putting my phone down and LIVING. Make space for life. 

Taking a break from travel - what?! - has actually been nice. When I'm not traveling, I'm planning my next trip. I have been enjoying home and the people here these last couple of weeks, instead of planning my next trip. It's important to stop and enjoy what is always there but rarely noticed. 

Creating space for ourselves is so important. We grow into the people we will become by hanging out in the present moment and realizing how small we really are, and that we DO have space in our busy lives - for ourself. 

How do you create space in your life?