A Few of My Favorite Things: Kammok

In light of the holidays, I am going to be posting about "a few of my favorite things." Maybe some of you will find gift inspiration through this, but also, I want to give back to the companies who inspire me, not only with great gear, but also a great vision and purpose by sharing their stories. 

Today's Favorite Thing: Kammok, from Austin, TX. 

PC: kammok.com

Kammok held an Instagram contest themed, "Share Your Adventure," and I won, so I got my Kammok & Python straps for free! I took it out camping that weekend and LOVED it. 

Texas-style camping with my Kammok Roo.
A bit about Kammok: they're not just a camping hammock company. 

They encourage people to get out, get active and find adventure. They have the Kammok MOB - Move Others Beyond - social community where you can register as a Kammok owner and find others in your area or when you're out on the road who might also be camping with their Kammoks There is a chat room, how-to videos, a user-managed feed where you can posts photos and questions, and a lot more. Having your Kammok and then having this great community to engage with is incredible! Check it out at: http://themob.kammok.com

Kammok also helps fight Malaria. This is the movement behind what Kammok does. They are partnered with Malaria No More, and when a Kammok is purchased, a mosquito net and/or health education is provided to families affected by malaria. This is why Kammok was invented - as an alternate bed for the malaria-affected regions of the world. 

Read more: http://www.kammok.com/Buy-A-Roo-End-Malaria-s/1854.htm

Kammok is an incredible company. They are not out to simply sell gear, they are also out to connect and encourage people to help each other out and experience life together. I love that about this company. Plus, being a Texan, it makes me proud that they are in Austin, which is 3 hours away from me! 

By the way, they're about to launch something incredible. Make sure you watch the teaser video and sign up to be the first to know what they've been keeping top-secret! 


Do you own a Kammok? Find me and other MOBsters on the Kammok MOB!


Stay tuned for the next, "A Few of My Favorite Things," feature: Ethnotek Bags!

A Few of My Favorite Things: Ethnotek Bags


You Can't Be Happy Everywhere