A Few of My Favorite Things: Krochet Kids

I meant to publish this BEFORE Christmas, but my day job happens to be in retail, so it has been insane! I have also been writing more prose and poetry lately, and us creative-types have to heed to our muse. :)

So, without further adieu, let's talk about Krochet Kids, International. 

I first heard about KKI when the Kammok gang (another featured company on "A Few of My Favorite Things"), ventured down to Patagonia.  

So who is Krochet Kids? They are an incredible brand who helps empower people to rise above poverty by way of crocheted hats, scarves, bags, and other products. 

When you order something from Krochet Kids, you not only get a beautifully-made product, but you also get to see who made it. 

I have a beanie from KK, and Rosemary Cruz made it. I was even able to send her a thank you message from her page. Such a wonderful feeling to be able to see who made my beanie, and also how good it felt to tell them thank you! 

The story behind how Krochet Kids started is an inspiring one. It started with three friends crocheting together in high school, and selling what they made. It transformed into giving hooks and yarn to people of Uganda to inspire them to make a living so they could pull themselves out of poverty. 

"By teaching these people to crochet, we would be empowering them to rise above poverty." 

Today, over 150 people are employed in Northern Uganda with Krochet Kids, International. They are able to make a living and provide for their families. 

You can find Krochet Kids, International here:




Happy 20th, Sigur Rós!


A Few of My Favorite Things: Ethnotek Bags