“Do not feel lonely: the entire universe is inside you.”

This is from my Instagram account (instagram.com/tiffinyepiphany), but I want to share it here too, because it's important: 

A little off-cuff from my normal posts, but I want to be as real and raw as they come. Welcome to behind-the-scenes & out-of-the-mountains: I've been working on my spinal flexibility and today has been a break through. The power these poses give me is crucial to not only my back health but my mental health. Robin Williams' passing hit me (and all of is) rather hard. Today is the first day I haven't wept about it. It saddened me, but also frightened me. It scared me because like Sylvia Plath says, "I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me.” I can only try to empathize with what Robin might have been dealing with. 

We, humans, are capable of intense emotions and they can carry us away. Elated, joyous ecstasy, or despairing, dark, sinister depression. I've had my share of depression, mania, etc., and still do, but my sobriety, meditation and calmness has been key to making sure it all stay in balance. When I have a day where I physically can't get out of bed, I don't think it's the end of the world anymore; I acknowledge it and know it will pass. Our brains are insane, by the way. Mine is crazy. I feel the moon phases. I feel the seasons shift. The planets orbit. I feel it all. I cry when I see a happy dog, because I am so happy he is happy! I feel e v e r y t h i n g, mostly since moving to Colorado. I am not trying to define it, I am just witnessing it and seeing where it takes me. 

Everyone should live and express themselves. If you don’t have something you can use for expression - bodily, mentally, spiritually - find it. I have yoga (and maybe ballet soon), and it’s incredible how I have forged a connection between my body, mind and spirit. “Do not feel lonely: the entire universe is inside you.” 

I Am an Introvert & I Like It


Snaps: 8/9-8/10