Instagram Inspiration: My Favorites

I am such an Instagram Junkie. It's my favorite social network, hands-down.

Pictures speak more than words, and there is so much story that get squeezed into one picture, rather than lengthy words that people don't take the time to read most of the time anyway.

Instagram is an insanely inspiring platform. There are people on there who speak to the world through their photos and people listen. People are moved.

So, here are a few accounts that I always look forward to seeing in my feed.

If I am ever not feeling up to going into the mountains (when is that!?) I just have to pop on over to Caroline Gleich's IG. She is always everywhere and shares her outdoor adventures along with tips of the trade. Exception inspiration, especially for us female adventurers. 

Emily Blincoe is the lady behind "Thug Life Forevs,." Her photos are just so incredibly captivating to look at. She arranges ordinary items by color, and then snaps a photo. I'm always so impressed with what she comes up with!

Passion Passport is a travel collective of stories, photos, wanderlust tales, and bucket lists. They always have the best travel photos, which only makes my travel list longer and longer.. 

Talia is a yoga instructor from NYC, and she is a huge inspiration to my own yoga practice. She also has an amazing and refreshing perspective on life, and I love reading/seeing her posts! 

I love food & so I love this feed! There is always something yummy that they are sharing, and it always makes me hungry and inspired to get to the kitchen and make something that looks and tastes incredible. 

What accounts are you favorites to follow? Share them with me so I can check them out! 


From Denver to Bali: 20 Hours in Transit


Sorry If You're Hungry! (Food From Bali & Japan).