Thoughts On Finding Something To Love & Loving Yourself

Before New Years, I decided to start doing yoga every day. I did not wait until New Years to start, because I know how much of a procrastinator I am, so my motto has to be, "OK GO."

Over the last three months, I have done yoga ALMOST everyday. I stopped keeping track, because, like anything you keep score on, you're going to be disappointed. You will be. I have learned to go with the flow, and if I feel like doing something, do it. Do not wait or plan. Just do it. If I do not feel like doing something; ok fine. Don't do it. It's all a part of living in the moment.

Anyways, yoga has become a huge part of my living routine. While I have attended a couple classes at Karmany Yoga in Fort Worth, I still prefer doing yoga at home, with Tara Stiles as my yogi. Her videos are so simple and encouraging. Since I have been doing yoga for three months now, I have also been able to stray from the videos and create my own flow and learn to practice true meditation.

While I still enjoy doing yoga at home, I plan to find a studio to call home, so I can refine my technique and positions. It is also easier to meditate because I am learning to squeeze out all distractions like a sponge. 

One of the greatest things yoga has taught me is patience - with myself. When I started yoga, I had NO patience with myself, which also translated into no patience with other people. I expected to do a dancer's pose, and hold it, the first try. Nope. Couldn't even do a Warrior 3 without wobbling. Patience and practice has taught me how important it is to not get frustrated when I cannot do something the first try..or second, third, fourth, etc. 


Yoga has also taught me to shed my carefulness. By carefulness, I mean, I have learned to be carefree about things that do not really matter. Appreciate and relish in the little things, and stretch yourself to try something new EVERYDAY. 

Lastly, yoga has taught me to have fun. I bought a slackline in January, and pair that with get slackline yoga! At least, that's what I am aiming for. Slacklining has required me to used and refine the same mental and physical capacities as yoga, so the two go hand-in-hand for me. The first time I was able to walk across the line was so exhilarating, I know that when I can hold a handstand I am going to have the same rewarding feeling! My brother introduced me to slacklining and it has been my favorite hobby ever since. (I have a goal to high lining this summer in Utah...I cannot wait to try it).

I guess my reason for this post is not to glorify yoga and get you to start practicing. My point is to find something that you love and makes you love yourself back. Do what you love, and love what you do, and love WHO YOU ARE. Try something that scares you, because you may just end up finding ultimate joy in it. 


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